Angelic or Devilish me? > that depends on who you are. |
Friday, October 31, 2008
hippy Boo!!! Today i woke up at 6 to go to school for guides. i so tired lah. I am suppose to reach there at 9 but i decided to go with Yi Jia and Swee yee and reach there at 8 to do some packing. Firstly, in the morning, I did some 'morning exercise'. HAHA. I was suppose to run 5 round around the track in 15 minutes but the IC counted wrongly and I ran 4 rounds in 12 minutes plus. Then I did some circuits. first do 30 sit ups . Then 4 person do wheelbarrow about 150 metres, 20 jumping jacks, 20 push ups, run 200 metres while the rest ding boy style pumping position. But later it is changed to ding girl style pumping position. ![]() At 10.30, i left for Malay lesson and the rest of the guides learn how to start a fire. I just practised Malay oral which is on the 4th November. It is quite okay lah i understand most of the question Cikgu asked in Malay. YAY. Then i return for outdoor cooking at about 12. There were many sausage, 10 packets of instant noodles, 2 (or 3) potatoes and 3 eggs. I enjoyed 灭ing the fire. As I pour the water, there is a sizzling sound. SO cool. LOL. After lunch, I learnt how to build a kitchen shelter. There were many hiccups but in the end, my patrol and P4 managed to 起 the kitchen shelter. YIPPY!!! We end at about 3.30. Then i went to pack the 小队厢 and 团部. Oh the 团部 is in a mess and all the patrol QM were kind of warned by the QM. Sigh we must really keep 团部 clean and neat man. Then after 集合 my ATC patrol met up to discuss where to meet to complete the rest of the stuff. We finally decide that it will be at my house BUT as it is quite inconvenient, Wen Xin and I decide to hold it at Bras Basar outside Jack's place AGAIN. Hopefully it is okay there *fingers crossed* After Yi Jia's and Shu Jun's COH, Swee Yee and I went home together with them. As SMART Shu Jun is hungry, we went to Ghin moh. Swee Yee and I bought a drink from Sweet Talk and a chocolate waffle from Prima Deli. Its delicious. Yi Jia also bought a waffle while Shu Jun ate Mee pok. After that Yi Jia, Swee Yee and i went home by MRT while RICH Shu Jun went home by TAXI. She say she is VERY tired. LOL *no comments pondering what Shu Jun have done to** smirking at Shu Jun with Swee Yee* At home, i did the shorts and touch up the banner a little. Well now all i need to do is wait for my patrolmates to complete them together. 风腾加油!!! Okay i shall type until here, i have to wake up at 6 tomorrow as i am going to KUKUP. :DD I will tell yall asap. Adieu!!! ♥eileen
9:52 PM
❤ the angel's devil
Thursday, October 30, 2008
BELTRIX YO Well i just visited the Beltrix blog and after reading the post, i really missed Beltrix... :( I especially love the lyrics with my RAEY 嘀嗒嘀嗒时钟在转 老师她谈时间的珍贵 说它一去不回不可浪费 但整班早已打瞌睡 [ahem ACC... or any lectures to be honest.] 铃铃铃铃铃声响起 一个两个猛然清醒 成群结队地跑出去玩 [our imba soccer players that owned interclass] 老师的话抛到脑后段 唉 要是乖乖听课不说话 好好珍惜拥有彼此的时光 不浪费光阴吵架斗嘴对纸团 [Chinese painting] 但其实是这些让回忆更灿烂 勾勾手答应不会忘记对方 交换早已记住的电话号码 好像找个按钮让时光倒带 [something we're all wishing for] 重温一下大伙对这班的爱 叽叽喳喳没话题说得完 又在计划下可到哪儿玩 [we are REALLY talkative haha] 准备在学校来个大探险 [tunnel, parkour etc] 只要在一起什么都不难 噼里啪啦在操场上的步伐 跌倒却不痛反而笑哈哈 老师重复无数次的理论 [ahem. People may not be receptive :D] 我们却当笑话来讨论 唉 要是乖乖听课不说话 好好珍惜拥有彼此的时光 不浪费光阴吵架斗嘴对纸团 但其实是这些让回忆更灿烂 勾勾手答应不会忘记对方 交换早已记住的电话号码 好像找个按钮让时光倒带 重温一下大伙对这班的爱 Thanks RAEY!!! Sigh 2 years have just passed like that. Our times together are really fun and interesting. I really hope we can stay in touch. BELTRIX RAWKS!!! miss Beltrix loads, ♥eileen
10:20 PM
❤ the angel's devil Unwanted heyyo So today is the 1st day of the school holiday which i spent rushing out meal bags, shorts and banner. Oh before that let me say what had happen last night. Last night, was the 1st time i chiong like crazy 5 minutes before the submission dateline. Since 10pm plus, Wen Xin and i were rushing and discussing about the gadget proposal which according to Wei Xin is by 11pm that night. We Wen Xin and my ears were like glued to the telephone communicating and changing the proposals. At like the last 15minutes, we realise that our number of 木 needed were counted wrongly. When we finished at like 10.55pm, Wen Xin SUDDENLY had problems with her scanner. OMG. Fortunately, we manage to complete it lah. PHEW * wiping off my sweat* But today afternoon, Wen Xin told me that the dateline is 11.59pm. WTH!!! ![]() This morning, i woke up at 8am and left for Bugis which i reach at about 9. My ATC patrol had to meet up to complete our designs. If we went to the basement lobby of the National Library to do our camp prep. BUT before we can do anything, a cleaner(i think) chased us out. WTFH!!! The previous time i dance there with my 届 members also nothing happen. Last time i even practise my LA role play and dramatic reading and nothing happen. What is the cleaner's problem??? Then, we went to the children section. We sat near the sofa on the floor and the librarian chased us to a corner saying that we are blocking the pathway. So we shifted to a corner. We only do a tiny it of cutting(like about 10 minutes) when another librarian say we are not allowed here. Ass one lah. The MOST ironical thing is that 5 minutes ago, 1 librarian say we can do it here. WA LAU!? Last year i did the camp prep with my ATC patrol and nothing happen what, no one chase us out, why are we chased away today??? With no choice left, we went outside the national library. Less than a minute, a security guard come to talk to us. He say as long as we don't dirty the place, we can stay there. We happily continued our work. About 30minutes later, Wen Xin lie flat on the ground, continued cutting and say it is so 爽。 LOL less then 5 minutes later, the same security guard say this is a public place, cannot lie on the floor. HAHA we were like all laughing at her. After lunch, as i found the place TOO messy, i asked everyone to clean up before continuing. Stupid one lah. less than 10 minutes later, a different security guard come and scold us say we are making a mess and ask us to leave. WHAT!!! i was like clearing and she call us to leave, Before that it was so dirty and no one said anything??? I tried to explain but to no avail. We all than heck care her. Like about 5 minutes later, she come back and call us to leave. We all also bo chap her then she over there scold scold scold. She ask us what school. Then we say Dunman. She say Dunman sec or Dunman primary. Both also not our school we reply for what? Then she ask us how old. Then we say secondary 2. She then say what " wah yall so small secondary 2 already? She say she give us 10 minutes to clear. We of course don't care lah. Then 5 minutes later, the head of security guard( i think) came to us with a camera and started taking photographs. Hell lah. Go and die man. We say morning the security guard say we can do here. He say what the guard in the morning is new one dunno. F lah. He call us to clear immediately or else he will tell our school and sue us. Then he ask for our EZ-link card. We of course don't give lah. He ask what school we are from. He kept asking don't even give us time to answer ao i raised my voice a little and say DUNMAN. then he kept talking and talking and then we say the previous guard give us 10 minutes to clear. He then say something like he don't care he give us 5 minutes to clear. SO i started to like 记时. Then we dunno where to go so we started walking towards bras basar and we found a big empty space outside Jack's place and we kind of successfully complete today's camp prep. Other then a few passersby stopping to see what we are doing, nothing else happen. Then at 5.30 Joylynn and i went to meet Michelle and Swee Yee to pick木麻黄. Joylynn and i rawks. We manage to pick like 1 and a half plastic bag of 木麻黄 very quickly while Swee Yee and Michelle pick only like half a bag. Thanks Joylynn. LOL. They seriously pick super slow. Their picking method is like so wrong. So i teach them how to pick. HEHE. Then I called my dad to fetch us from Kallang MacDonalds. Like the previous 2 days, i reached home about 8pm. I think tomorrow also luh. HUMPH. Oh tomorrow i have Malay, outdoor cooking, camp prep and song leader. SIGH tomorrow is a busy day. Good luck to me... ![]() ♥eileen
8:58 PM
❤ the angel's devil
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Hurray... NOT heyho Today is FINALLY the last day of school but there is really nothing to look out for. Tomorrow i still have to wake up early although not as early as school day to go Bugis not to shop BUT to do my ATC prep. i need to reach Bugis at 9am sharp. And today i need to stay up late to complete all the proposals sigh. Anyway, school today was kind of waste of time. In the morning there are like 19 announcements then we just go to class to do our own stuff. Basically i just see and play Chinese chess with Isabel and Dawn. Then after that we went to the gym for prize presentation. LOL my class got 4th for class league. 2A won 1st. Then we watch a video of the whole of my level, from 2007 to 2008 and sang our level song 双子星. i like the song. Many people cried but i didn't lol. after that, 2b stayed back a while to watch a video about beltrix's growth. It is a 4 minute video compiled by Elizabeth. Thanks. in the afternoon i went to my camp prep and discuss about our proposals. At about 3 i went for my song leader training. Well i can only say i must really work harder... :S I reach home at about 7.45pm today. Now i have to chiong the gadgets proposals must hand in by 11pm. Must really work hard le. 加油!So many things to do arhh... ![]() ♥eileen
9:29 PM
❤ the angel's devil
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Stupid Hellooo Today is a stupid day. In the morning i went for some stupid maths trail in vivo city. The prize is some $20 popular voucher shared among 4 people in your team per class. My teammate consist of my "good friends" Wen Ning and Raey and the class genius Alvin. The game is so 无聊. We have to do some retarded question such as find the area of the pool in vivo city, find how old is Burger King, On average Burger King open how many outlets in the world etc. Its so dumb lah. In the end the prize is like shared among the WHOLE class because nobody really care about the game and just copied the answers. But lunch was cool. We went to eat in Super Hot dog. I ordered a student hot dog bread set meal and the food is super nice, super delicious. ![]() Then at like 1pm it is time to take report book. WTH. Anyway my results suck lah. I hope i can get into the class i want. I think i have to give up MSP le lah. The joke is that i got a freaking F for Art haha. Actually no lah the stupid computer make a dumb mistake and every AEP student got F for AEP. LOL. That's why don't trust computers only trust human brains. ![]() In the afternoon, i had meeting with the seniors about the proposal for the meal bag, flag, banner, identity and shorts. Well it was all rejected lah. lmao. Then my patrol sat down, put on our thinking caps and come up with a new design. I really hope tomorrow the seniors will accept our proposal. 加油 Phantom. We will win one!!! ![]() At about 3, i had song leader training. Well it was screwed. Our actions were not very coordinate and we sang too high pitch causing it to be too soft. LOL song leaders let's 加油! we can do it as long as we preserve! Lets work hard together and get the actions right :) ![]() Yea i think that's all for today. I must continue designing Phantom's flag and the gadget proposal or else Wen Xin the PL will scold lol. I also have to memorise the sequence of the songs in ATC campfire and the lyrics of linger. BYE :) ♥eileen
9:29 PM
❤ the angel's devil
Monday, October 27, 2008
lmao YO I just visited the fail blog and it is SUPER funny. Here some picture i like best So much for getting stripped. SO much for the improvement. LOL W-O-W it is so welcoming. The toliet is for no one to use then huh? Eww child care yucks so much for the caution This resturant is so SMART I didn't know coins can be folded This advertisment is so appropriate. lmao Wrong mascot chosen So much for it being free After seeing this advertisment who want to sent their child there? LOL OMG So much for the option Lol coloured. But white is also a colour lah. What a stupid man. ![]() Omg. congrats? LOL it should be called 3seasons haha. Lol this is how people fail maths. too many people play with this type of toy when they are young then now they fail maths. OMG the woman has 3 hands WTH LOL don't you wan to break the law? i would like $50 LOL there are still alot more ppl so see them yourself it is super funny ♥eileen
12:51 PM
❤ the angel's devil quickly Heyhey There seem to be nothing to tell yall and i decided to keep my blog alive for a longer period of time yea so i did a quiz. But some of the questions are kind of repeat. (why must questions be repeated? *pissed*) ATC is coming... Will you talk to the person you like tonight? erm if i say right now i don't like anyone will you believe me? What color shirt are you wearing? Black with a skull in front *sweaking* Do you have a reason to smile right now? Yup! i have just completed the cheers and songs for my guides ATC patrol. If you won a lot of money on the lottery, what would you buy first? A pink Vaios Who was the last person of the opposite sex you had a conversation with? My bother Who was driving the last car you were in? My dad Who was the last person that texts you? Cassandra my guides junior. *checks phone inbox* What are you craving for now? End of ATC *smiles dreamly* What if you married the last person you kissed? Never kissed before anyone other than my parents before What are you excited about? ATC to end *sigh* When was the last time you cried? And why? Last year due to poor EOY results Ever kissed someone who's name starts with an A? Angie! my mum What are you currently listening to? My brother's computer sound Is there one person who can make you feel better no matter what? Yes, there is.No saying who Last person you hugged? My mum What were you doing at 2:00 am? Sleeping? Have you cried today? No. i am not a cry baby What did you do today? Eat breakfast, type songs and cheer Are you currently frustrated with a girl/guy? Myself. Why can't i do the ATC preparation better??? Ever talked to someone who was high? Yups!!! a bunch of 2B people and guides people *Jumps* When is the next time you will see your grandma? Next week? Have you kissed or hugged someone today? Hugged, yea. Are you a dumb blond? ` I am a brunette. A dumb brunette. *matter-of-fact* Will you be married in the next two years? No way!!! I am only 14 now!!! Have you ever wanted someone you thought that you couldn't have? IDK *pondering* Are you in a relationship, single, complicated or engaged? single. *smirks* How are you feeling today? normal Do you like your name? YEAH! i especially love the fact that my Chinese name is together with my English name:) Are you happy at the moment? Yea, after answering the precious question. *lmao* What were you doing at 10:00pm last night? Reading the twilight saga over and over again *woots* Last person who drove you somewhere(besides your parents)? The bus driver. Have you ever been kissed in a closet? No. It is so... Do you live alone? No, i am not INDEPENDENT Do you have a friend of the opposite sex that you can talk to? Yea, of course. The world is not only make up of girls you know Are you crazy? Yup over 100% *jumping* Who was the last person to call you babe? Some girl How has this past week been for you? Hectic I guess. Not that bad. Last thing you drank? water Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? Yes Could you ever forgive a cheater? Maybe it really depends on what the person lie to me about
Yea so that's the end. i am off to do more ATC prep stuff. for this week i think the only thing to look forward is to my 1 day trip to kukup coming saturday. But before that lets see if i can survive after getting my EOY results. I will tell yall more nxt time. BYE enjoy yall holiday. Happy Depavali everyone :) *smiles* ![]() ♥eileen
11:39 AM
❤ the angel's devil
Sunday, October 26, 2008
*yawns* Hey people As i just blogged last afternoon and there is really nothing to tell your i decided to just do 2 quizzes. Here it goes... [ONE] Who were your latest 3 inbox texts from? • Swee yee and See hian (guides junior) [TWO] Where was your default pic taken? • with Swee Yee and when she see she will try to cover it will her hands weirdo [THREE] What's your middle name? • I have no middle name [FOUR] Your current relationship? •no relationship so far [FIVE] Does your crush like you back? • I dont have a crush leh [SIX] What is your current mood? • idk now my head is just thinking: will my designs for the meal bag, identity, flag, banner and shorts be accepted by the seniors by this afternoon? (cos i want ot buy the materials today sign.) [SEVEN] What's your mom's name? • Angie. It quite cool, sounds like my surname NG [EIGHT] What color shirt are you wearing? • My pyjamas: pink! haha [NINE] Would you kiss the last person you kissed? • Kissed no one [TEN] If you could go back in time and change something, would you? • Uh... Maybe don't rally feel like thinking now [ELEVEN] Do u have crazy side? Of course *excited* i bet it is more than 100% haha [TWELVE] Ever had a near death experience? • Yes, and i think it is in China *wipping a sweat off my foerhead* [THIRTEEN] What is something you do most? •TALK!!! read, texting and shopping *smirk* [FOURTEEN] Angry at anyone? • ya i guess myself cos i didn't really make the designs very acceptable to my senior [FIFTEEN] Do you wanna see somebody right now? • Er my AATC patrolmate? I rally want to complete everything soon... I WANT MY HOLIDAY!!!*whinning* [SIXTEEN] Do you like drama? • Duh o am totally into it -.- [SEVENTEEN] When was the last time you cried? • Last year after taking EOY result but i dun think histroy will repeat itself this time *confidently* [EIGHTEEN] Who would you do anything for? • Me, myself and I lol cos i not so 伟大 [NINETEEN] Who is your hero? •Erm IDK... [TWENTY] What is the one thing you notice first with the opposite sex? • Out look then personality (lol i am pratical haha) [TWENTY-ONE] What is your dream? • alot leh [TWENTY-TWO] What's your biggest secret? • Why would i tell you when you said it is a secret? whats more my biggest secret? [TWENTY-THREE] Where is your ex? • Never had a Ex [TWENTY-FOUR] Would you ever take him/her back?! •See above. *pissed* [TWENTY-FIVE] Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows? • NO WAY!!! [TWENTY-SIX] What are you eating or drinking at the moment? • Nothing. But i am eating my breakfast soon :D [TWENTY-SEVEN] Do you speak any other languages other than english? • Yes *proud of myself* [TWENTY-EIGHT] What are you thinking about right now? • see qustion 6 [TWENTY-NINE] What should you be doing right now? • guides stuff? But don't people need to take a break too? [THIRTY] What is your favorite memory? • hmm... good question [THIRTY-ONE] What are you listening to? •alarm clock beeping [THIRTY-TWO] Who was the last person you told I love you ? • No one. [THIRTY-THREE] Do you act differently around the person you like? • Why would I? [THIRTY-FOUR] What is your natural hair color? • Black!!! [THIRTY-FIVE] Who was the last person to make you smile? • How about my storybook Breaking dawn which i read it less then 5 minutes ago? ============================================= 1. Who owns your heart? ♥ I, ME and MYSELF :) 2. How did you wake up this morning? ♥ Myself. See i am such a good girl 3. Which is more romantic: sunrise or sunset? ♥ I think i prefer sunset, i wantmy beauty sleep one okay? *yawns* 4. Are you wearing any accessories? ♥ Apparently i just woke up people 5. What did you do last night? ♥ Watch T.V and went to bed. I wanted to play badminton with my neighbours but my bro broke his arm *shurg my shoulders* 6. Who was the last person you hugged? ♥ My mum and dad before bed? LOL i am so 孝顺 7. Would you hug that person, again? ♥ Why not? 8. Did you remember your dream last night? ♥ I didnt dream last night 9. Have you ever been on the radio? ♥ Nope but i would like to haha 10. What did you drink today? ♥ Water *taking a sip* 11. Do you like honey? ♥ YUP! its nice 12. Do you know the date today? ♥ 26th October 2008 *checking my handphone in front of me* 13. Did you sing today? ♥ Not yet but soon cos i dont like singing in the morning, my voice will kind of crack.*moaning* 14. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? ♥ No i am enjoying my holiday 15. What color are your eyes? ♥ dark Brown :) 16. What's the last thing someone said to you? ♥ eh your 弟弟 still sleeping arh. 17. What does your last text say? ♥ "Hey(: so mon meet at two at where" 18. How's school? ♥ Quite okayy Okay thins question is super random 19. What are you looking forward? ♥ The days after my ATC camp. 20. What is the total call time on your phone? ♥IDK. 21. What cellphone network do you use? ♥ Singtel and it rawks 22. Do you smoke cigarettes? ♥ NO i hate them 23. When was the last time you cursed? ♥ A second ago talking about cigarettes 24. What is the last item you gave away? ♥ A present to SWEE YEE .i am so nice to her 25. Do you own a stereo that cost more than Php 5000? ♥ No. anyway what Php 5000 convert to singapore dollars? 26. What is that one thing you question right now? ♥ "What is the next question?" 27. Where do you see yourself in 4 years? ♥ IDK 28. Do you lead people on? ♥ perhaps 29. Have you ever hiked up a mountain? ♥ No, how about a hill? 30. Do you remember singing any songs as a kid? ♥ Yes. I don't have a deprived childhood :) 31. Are you married? ♥ NO!!! Obviously not. *rolls my eyes * 32. When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings? ♥ A second ago saying good morning to my brother who just woke up 33. Are you the youngest of your siblings? ♥ Nope I am the oldest. *proud* 34. Who are you talking to right now? ♥ no one but my dad is sitting beside me trying to repair the other computer now. 35. Have you ever told someone of the opposite sex you loved them and meant it? ♥ Not yet. I don't have a boyfriend luh. 36. Would you like to live in New York City? ♥ Yup but would you like to pay for me *look sweetly*
8:08 AM
❤ the angel's devil
Saturday, October 25, 2008
顺便 Hey Since i have a little time now, i decide to write a short post. Well Thursday was the last day of school for my bro. And guess what? He broke his right wrist while playing soccer. WTH!? I can only say he is so suay and soccer is DANGEROUS!-lol Yesterday, in school i rollerblade. We were suppose to wear the protective gears and they stick like hell. I total cannot stand, it's so stinky. I cannot really remember when is the last time i rollerblade but i think it was 2-3 years ago. Fortunately i remember how to rollerblade and i did not fall down. *phew* But overall i think it is okay lah. I think i prefer ice skating but at least when I fall down while rollerblading i will not get wet. Hence after yesterday, Swee Yee and i decide to make organise a patrol gathering at the park then can rollerblade. But firstly must see if we are free lah.
![]() Okay i will end the post here as i am going to vivocity soon. Yay!!! ♥eileen
12:47 PM
❤ the angel's devil
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Sian -.- Sigh Guides annual camp is coming in luk 2 weeks time and there is so many things to prepare hence this blog is going dead for luk at least 3 weeks.
7:02 PM
❤ the angel's devil
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Boo!!! Boo! Hey as I said, I did went to Night Safari last night with my family and my dad's friend. Well, Night Safari was celebrating Halloween. At the entrance, there were high-pitched witches, bloody butcher, clowns and screaming children greeting us, then we bought your tickets from skeletons. It was hilarious. In Night Safari, there are 2 tram rides. The normal one and the Scary one. Of course i chose the scary one. At the beginning, we were introduced to the animals. The main attraction is the 2nd part of the tram ride. The tram will drive pass what they call "The torture chamber" Well there were many bloody people, dangling skeletons and the weird characters creeping to the tram. As people look to the left, the weird characters will creep up to you on the right. As people look to the right, the weird characters will creep up to you on the left.It was scary as i was often caught in surprise. Well, once i was so shocked that i jumped onto my dad's lap *cheeks redden* But it was scary that person pop his head intil like next to my lap WTH. Okay enough of the embarrassing stuff. After that, i watch the fire performance followed by the animal show. It was cool! The fire show was exciting and the animal show was amazing. The animals were clever. After that, I went home and sleep. It was an interesting night. Now, i am going to continue my gakuen Alice. I watch till episode 10 yesterday. Mikan and Natsume rawks together:DD YAY! In the afternoon i am finally buying Breaking dawn. Gee... Adieu :) ![]() ♥eileen
9:55 AM
❤ the angel's devil
Friday, October 17, 2008
Quizzy Well people Just as i said on my previous post, Have your parents ever caught you drinking? DUH my parents ask me to drink!!! Smoking? NO WAY!!! I totally hate smoking! it stink! BUT sigh my granny smokes Do you love the last boy you were talking to? No i am just asking him for directions. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? ya, my mum. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? Shopping<33>
Honestly, who was the last person to tell you that they love you? I don't know. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Uh.. Swee Yee Did you have an exciting last weekend? Last weekend was BORING I am STUDYING for Science EOY how exciting can it get? -.- Have you ever crawled through a window? No. Only my condo gate... What do you spend most of your money on? Shopping. transport and food. Where were you at 10AM sunday morning? Eating breakfast outside i guess Is there a secret you've never told your parents? Obviously. Do you like yourself? Hmm... sometimes i hate myself but other times i am comfortable in my skin Have you ever dyed your hair? No, I don't have grey or white hair but i think its cool if all my hair is white. Are you wearing a necklace? Yes but its not illegal, it is? Who is someone you wish you could fix things with? Yes i guess, not saying who *mouth zipped* Is there anything in your past that you'd like to try again? Yes, of course. My life is not that pathetic Are you an emotional person? Hmm i dont think so... am i? What's something that can always make you feel better? Erm... I dont know... some jokes? Shopping? Did your parents spoil you as a child? I think so. Do you still have pictures of you & your ex? I never dated How's your heart lately? Normal Will this weekend be a good one? Yup at least better than the last one which i spent stuying. Who can always cheer you up? My friends anf family. Have you ever gone nude/streaked in public? Please, i am not that crazy or that desperate for attention Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing? Not that i remember of. In love with someone? Ha! NO!!! Who was the last person to come to your house? Swee Yee Look behind you, what do you see? mess waiting for me to clear What would you name your future daughter? IDK who thinks so far anyway!?! What did you eat for breakfast today? Lots! What's on your schedule for tomorrow? Hmm... buy Breaking Dawn The last song you heard? i dont know the title but it sound okay When is the next time you'll hit up a club? See who will bring me there If you had to eat 1 thing for the rest of your life, what? steak!!! Name 1 thing good about Friendster? Make friends that why its called FRIENDster Does anyone know your Friendster password? ` NO WAY. If the world were to end now, who would you choose to die with? Can i not die? I am ONLY 14... How do you feel about abortions? Cruel How often do you drink coffee? when my dad drink i will take a sip What time do you usually sleep? Depends on what i am doing before sleeping ==================================================================== Does your password have to do with a boy? No way! What's one thing a guy can do to make you like them? Erm never thought of that question can we leave it as that? Are you a girly girl? Yup. But it depends on my mood Small or big purses? Small! Did you stay friends with your ex's? I don't date but I thinks I would. Do you still talk to your ex? I DON'T HAVE A EX. Do you call anybody by their last name? Only if I am making fun of them :) Do you wear makeup? Sometimes Depend on the occasion Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth? Yup Have you ever cooked food for a guy? My brother and my dad Have you ever been called a bad influence? Yup but i dont care. Have you ever broken a guy's heart? I don't think so i not that attractive Flats or Heels? Both are fine with me. But I am into heels now thanks to TEO DAWN. Skirts or jeans? Both are fine with me. Socks or leggings? I have to wear socks for like 5 times a week so what do you think? Leggings of course. Heels or sneakers? Both are fine with me. Straight or curly hair? Straight please. I think curly hair is difficult to take care Hoops or dangling earrings? Both are fine with me. Have you ever had your heart broken? No why should it be? Like i say for the umpteem time I DON'T DATE!!! Do you prefer light or dark haired guys? Why should it matter? Do you have a best friend? Ya What do you think about the person you like? Great parent Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery? No, Iam quite comfortable in my own skin Do you like your life? Guess so. It not very interesting nor is it very boring When was the last time you said i love you to the opposite sex? Only to my dad which is like so long ago. Ever walked into the guy's bathroom? Yea to wash paint brushes. Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on? No, i am not that poor to afford a swim suit Have you ever slapped a boy in the face? No i am nice :) okay i can hear people laughing at me Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Ya... Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind? Ya BUT that person is a girl AND thats' because i feel guilty towards her Do you ever wish you were famous? Sometimes 1. Have you chewed gum after someone else already has? Never and never would its so gross. 2. What is one place you wouldn't want to go to for a first date? His house. 3. What song is currently playing? not listning to any currently 4. Are you ever a freak about cleanliness or organisation? Only on certain things 5. Last thing you ate? Lots 6. Did you celebrate Valentine's Day this year? No. But I received some presents and SMSs 7. 4 things you've done today: breakfast, shoppung, emails, blog... ... 8. What's your favourite animal? Does it matter? i not responsible enough to be a pet owner 9. Do you usually get your friends sick when you are sick? Er... i guess so 10. Who did you last receive a text message from? Claire about guides stuff 11. Do you sms in class? -Yups and i am not hidding that fact anyway who don't? 12. Can you raise one eyebrow? Yup i can also raise 1 and frown the other :) 13. Ever thrown a shoe at somebody? No, I am not violent. i can hear people laughing at me 14. Do you bump into someone's arm if you want to hold their hand? No. 15. Worst part about hugs? IDK i dont go around hugging people 16. Tell me about the shirt you're wearing. Not a shirt but a dress. Hello i just came from a hotel breakfast buffet you dont expect me to wear t-shirt and shorts to Mandarin Oriental Hotel right? 17. What would you change about your life right now? The fact that i am going to take my exam result soon? 18. Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth? Cry over the truth. I am pratical 19. What did you do today? Lots 20. What do you wear to bed? pyjamas 21. What do you smell like right now? Dove body soap? 22. Ever kissed someone that smokes? No WAY!!! I hate people who smoke but saddly my granny smoke too so i guess i cant use the word HATE 23. How long have you liked the person you currently like? Since i was born? Its my parents silly. 24. Can you make yourself cry? No i tried to (at my god father's father whom i only met twice) and i failed terribly 25. Have you hugged anyone in the last 72 hours? Who? Yup my mum:) 26. Have you kissed someone in the past week? Er my mum again? 27. Have you ever broken someone's heart? I don't think so i not that attractive 28. Who do you tell the most to? Friends 29. Has anyone ever told you they want to spend the rest of their life with you? I don't think so i not attractive at all 30. When a friend walks out of your life, do you go after them or let them go? Let them go. If they really want to go nothing can change it, they will come back if they want no point going after them. *ouch* 31. What do you carry with you at all times? My phone 32. Will your next kiss be a mistake? Erm... Don't know. I hope not *Fingers crossed* 33. When was the last time you saw your grandpa? Last Sunday. I visit my mother's parents ever saturday and my father's parents every Sunday. See i am so filial 34. Do you know anyone with cancer? No i hope not 35. Do you like straight or curly hair? Straight! ♥eileen
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