Angelic or Devilish me?
> that depends on who you are.
Thursday, June 17, 2010

I hate reality especially this holiday. I wish i can just live in my dreams where

  1. The holiday is not coming to an end
  2. My homework is complete
  3. My revision are all done
Sadly i can't. 

Should i face reality and start listing what homework i left?

God this is so depressing. I don't even know where to start.

Maybe hypnotising will work ... 


Forget it! Hopefully 船到桥头自然直. GAH!!!

yes, i am still me

6:59 PM
❤ the angel's devil

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The word fickle-minded shouts ME

Scene 1

In the morning at home preparing to go out,

I wanted to use my jeans material blue sling bag so i tried to find it. While searching for it, i found out that i actually have a lot of bags. So i went, 

"I shall not get any more bags"

 5 seconds later,

"But i only have one small one and many others!
I know! I will get more small bags!"

Then i spent some time thinking about what type of pouches i want.

Scene 2

In Popular with xinxin,

We were talking about getting some friendship items to bring to school then we spotted a cute pencil case. So  xinxin started,

"I know let's get it!"

"Huh... don't want leh"

"But its cute... "


"So the blue or the red?"

" Erm i think don't want lah."

1 second later when we are about to walk away,

"Okay blue! its cheap, matches my new bag and its our friendship pencil case which we will bring to school."

And i left Popular feeling happy and start thinking about what stuff to put inside.

See how fickle-minded i am and how i am so good at consoling myself?

Anyway after realising i have so many bags, i went on a 'soul searching' journey and i found out that i have many clothes, accessories, shoes, nail polish and blah blah blah, Anyway conclusion:

A girl can never have too many things 

yes, i am still me


5:05 PM
❤ the angel's devil

Monday, June 14, 2010
on hiatus? NOT

I changed my blogskin and it looks wierd. Any suggestions?

i give up trying to put twitter on my blog. Any help?


  1. I was bored so i stopped blogging. 
  2. I was bored so i changed my blogskin. 
  3. I didn't want to waste my efforts on the blogskin so i start blogging again.

How's that?

Things which happen between the last blog post and today

  1. Glass art with mich, xintian and yiting
  2. Slacking CIP at old folks home
  3. Girl Guides Taiwan shopping spree trip
  4. Watched finished 原来是美男
  5.  Bitching bike hike with sweeyee, yiting, mich, jiamin, wang, ckai, bryan, yichen,yuhao, jingpei
  6. A day out with mum and bro
  7. Mugging with Xin Xin
I guess thats it. Yes i know my holiday sucks. But it's not what i want ): Anyone want to hang out?

yes, i am still me

9:01 PM
❤ the angel's devil